• TEAM

  • TRUE


We believe that the first step in any successful venture, right from branding to rebranding or even launching a product - is to establish a clear definition of what it means to succeed. Every piece of our design is backed up with tons of research and great strategy.

Our definition of success begins and ends with yours. We study your market potential, competition and many other factors to cull out a unique selling proposition that's best suited for your business to grow.

The best way to outperform any competition is to outthink it. At Digital Picasso we do the work that matters the most: the work of originality, creativity and experimentation. We feel that the power to communicate through design and create economic value is far too exciting, too important and too much fun to be left into the dead hands of a software jockey.

Through our experience and exhaustive research we at Digital Picasso believe in rethinking competition, reinventing innovation, breaking the usually norms and raising the bar higher.

We believe in creating a platform of distinct expression for each and every client of ours.

So if anyone asks us "What is our best project?"" We simply smile back peacefully and reply "Our last project was our best project".


Creativity is serious business. Born in the spirit of artistic collaboration, we are a "decade" old full service brand design & brand consultancy firm based in Mumbai, India. We believe "The best way to predict the future is to design it". Everything we do starts with a big idea. Behind every big idea there is tons of research and strategy.

" Bringing Ideas to Life and Life into Ideas"

We create the most persuasive and original blueprint for where our clients business should be going. We unleash a set of ideas that shape the brand of our clients and reshape the space of what's possible for them to accelerate in. We create a set of fundamentals reasons for a company's existence, beyond mere design. We partner with our clients vision and create market ready solutions, be it brand building, brand positioning, media planning, logo or stationery design, brochure design, website design or corporate presentations we have done it all.

Digital Picasso focuses on keeping solutions simple by applying common sense and has a down-to-earth, honest and very simple approach to understanding any business. If you have the objective of an advertising program, a three-dimensional portrait of your target audience, the benefit of the product or service to the customer then connect with us and we shall have one of our think tanks give you a call.


You can't whistle a symphony. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together the club won't be worth a dime. Digital Picasso is only as good as the people in it are. Digital Picasso Boasts of having a family of self motivated and creative individuals from various fields of design, strategy and marketing. Together we cook up a storm.

Sir Sudhakar (Sr. Partner): Depth, wisdom and a profound market experience complimented by patience perseverance and an immaculate art of client servicing are a few words to describe this maverick of the advertising industry. Extremely senior and totally out there. His major task is to check that every part of the process only gets richer by the day.

Shahid: His own thinking skills, from a brand and business point of view makes him a suitable choice. His rich thinking stemming from traditional roots, his cross qualification in art as well as in business has brought him long into this journey of branding. He may ask you the weirdest of questions and give you the strangest of answers only to realise that all he is focusing on is to get the best your of your brand.

Deepak Code Warrior : A man with enormous dedication, discipline and zeal. What sets him apart is his ability to understand and adapt his software for any requirement far beyond one would have left hope or expectation if it being even possible. A survivor and saviour in true spirits, apart from being a great tech guy who knows the code of conduct he is also the best brother in the world. (you will have to ask us why�we shall be more than happy to let you know)

Fardeen : There is no continent in the world left which doesn't have his footprint. Extremely well travelled, well qualified and well experienced. Meet him and you have met half the world. This soft spoken man is as calm and as deep as the ocean. He raises the bar high when it comes to finance and strategic planning.


We have forgotten count of the projects we have worked upon within the past decade. We have seen days when we needed to explain our customers what a website is and literally draw the working of an e-mail. We have seen softwares when their version was merely 0.1 and 0.2. Nothing of then has remained the same, technology has changed, the perception has changed, the requirements have changed. The one thing that has remained common is TRUE, Everything we have done...and we be doing will always be T.R.U.E.

Thoughtful > Resourceful > Unique > Engaging

The one thing that has remained common is
TRUE, Everything we have done...and are doing and
shall be doing will always be T.R.U.E.

Thoughtful Resourceful Unique & Engaging

This is the one common thread that weaves the fabric of Digital Picasso. Technologies may come and go. Versions may change, requirements may vary but the one promise we always keep for each and every client of ours is TRUE. We will see to it that all out work is Thoughtful | Resourceful | Unique & Engaging. It is drilled in the very first day of everyone who joins us and stays in for a life time. TRUE at Digital Picasso is a way of life, a standard, a norm, a promise a wow.

We bring
to life
& life to

    Branding & Design
    Brand Consulting

Branding and Design

Sometimes design is seen as a sort of cosmetic luxury. We really need to broaden the meaning of the word "design" to cover all those situations where we put things together to achieve some effect.

Whenever standard routine is not enough we need to "design".

At Digital Picasso, design has a purpose, an aim to achieve something... Your Image; Your Business; Your Profit.

Let your brand be the ambassador of your company.

One of the very important roles of creativity & design is to look at an opportunity from an external non baggage viewpoint. Otherwise we stagnate in old concepts. Simply analyzing data will not produce new ideas. If you really want a brilliant new idea you have to be able to start it off right from the very seed of thought.

By the end of it all creativity has to show value. Being different for the sake of being different is not creativity, it is so not very Digital Picasso.

We take up branding projects right from logo design, web design, brand design to package design. We compliment our designs with the latest new media advertising ideas and tactics.

Our philosophy of "Research oriented and Strategy based design delivery" helps create success stories for our clients; we are a think tank of fresh and new ideas. We use traditional and new media's to publicize and promote your brand.

A part from a great design team we also have a team of Web Designers and Developers that help you integrate workable web based solutions so that you keep getting business reference through your online presence.

Brand Consulting

Is your brand living up to today's business climate?

Does your brand have what it takes appeal to tour target audience?

The world is teeming with opportunities; opportunities for your brand to bloom. Digital Picasso is a decade old seasoned advertising agency specializing in brand building communications and design. Through innovative advertising ideas, customized marketing tools, brand positioning, strategic inputs, new media communication techniques, creative design and sometimes through plain common sense we spot and create opportunities for your brand to bloom and penetrate.

It all begins by understanding your requirements, surveying your market; brain storming with the decision makers and then emerging with creative out of the box strategic solutions that throw light on possible areas of growth across media and functions.

Times are changing. Today people are attracted to brands that are not only visually appealing but also those which communicate the right message & appeal at a personal level. If your brand is not crafted to the right audience you will lose its potential in the market. There is a new business launching nearly every day. So what's the difference between your business and the others?

Brand Consultancy is all about the Science behind the Art.

Our brand consultancy & design service helps communicate the right message into the minds and hearts of your customers; it helps build confidence and increases retention levels (more often also increases your ticket size), such that your brand is well received and accepted in this competitive market space.

If you are serious about your brand and want to take your business to the next level you are in right company. Contact us for a free no obligation discussion.


I n business there is an obvious need for new technology. Technology is changing faster than the news on TV. At Digital Picasso technology is more about programming around the human capital. It's about the concept not the code, it's about the affection in the architecture that gets you out there with millions nodding in affirmation.

O ne of the major uses of creativity is simplicity. Over the years; procedures, operations and software�s have got even more complex, while there is a natural tendency towards simple easy to use human friendly software.

Writing a piece of code for any project is just not putting things together for delivering standard me-too technology. With Digital Picasso it's about understanding the requirements from the users stand point to deliver technologies that impact and interact with him the most. That is what makes the difference.

We choreograph the code around the concept.

We can achieve simplicity even in the most complex situation. After all, it's about designing software for humans. The funny part is when it comes to technology no one expects to be creative. We don't mind taking that extra mile.

We would be delighted to listen to your requirements on Web Design, Portal Making or Software Development.


What happens when an idea meets execution? We call it a horizon. Sometimes we are offered to be a part of business as strategic investors, while creating everything around it. It makes a lot of business sense to have a seasoned brand & design specialist on the same side of your table. We are glad to play the role of brand directors and add value as custodians of your over all brand and brand direction. Digital Picasso does a complete brand audit of those possibilities and results in a synergetic tie-up that exhilarates into the next level of business involvement.

A few of our horizons

Health and Internet are here to stay. Healthy Always is the right corridor to health care marketing at a higher frequency.

A perfect example of creating the code around the human capital. A simple idea, a simpler software. A huge Impact.

Magna Carta Pens
Award winning collection of fine crafted pens for the man you has made it.

Dvaar High End Fashion
High End fashion for High End People

Case Studies

When I was a child my mother once told me "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general, if you become a monk you'll end up as the pope." Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. - by Sir Pablo Picasso

True as each word, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was one of the most celebrated and greatest artists of the century. A child prodigy, Picasso came to limelight at an early age for his contemporary painting style. Such that soon he became universally popular and one of the most influential artists of those times. From the Blue Ages to the Cubism, Picasso's art was outstanding and well appreciated. Not just a fine artist, Picasso too had a good sense of business and marketing. He was the first artist to use mass media for amplification of his work. We pay homage to this doyen of art and design, and attempt to live humbly by his philosophy.

How did we get our name Digital Picasso?
Our agency stands for art and creativity. Digital is merely a medium of expression. Just like back then oil, paints and canvas was.

We are proud to have our name after our idol.

"As an art grad we studied various artists and always found Sir Picasso a trend setter in everything he did. May it be his style of painting to rendering to even wanting to market them. His bold nonbaggage approach has always influenced me." Shahid Badshah

On a lighter note we also say we are the only ones who are digitally related to sir Picasso. We are Digital Picasso.

Calling that 1%

We have come across a few truly passionate people who we can say are not in design.... but design is in them. We know a few who may not know banking procedures... but do brilliantly well to exist. Society may look upon them as odd, but to us they are the "Picasso" of today. (yeah yeah to them society is a crazy breed)

If you can live like a Shaolin monk, survive on tea and biscuits for days on together...if you can sleep on an office chair and have a smile on your face after that, if you can fall in love again and again, if you see a pattern in every shadow that falls and a rhythm in every movement that happens...buddy no resume can hold you.... simply call +91-8804506070

for the rest of us 99%  who make this world a lovely place Deposit your resume with us